11. Energy Cooperation
11. Energy Cooperation
The Meetings of the Ministers in charge of Energy of the OTS have a special importance in terms of its commitment to the energy security architecture of the region covering the vast area from Central Asia to Europe. The OTS endeavors to focus on target-oriented multilateral energy projects involving all the Parties within the OTS, which can deliver concrete results. Moreover, the Turkic World Vision 2040 highlights the need to build strategic partnerships among the Member States through coordination of policies, collaboration for energy diversification and clean/green energy, particularly in the field of renewable energy.

The expert group meeting on alternative energy cooperation was organized on 22 April 2016 in Istanbul. At the meeting, parties shared information on the situations in their respective countries regarding the development of alternative energy sources. They underscored that all Member States had huge renewable potential, particularly from wind, solar and small hydropower stations.

However, they noted that renewable energy production accounted for a small portion of all power installations in the Member States. In this regard, they agreed to consider the signing of a quadrilateral “Cooperation Protocol on Regulating the Efforts of the Member States of the Organization of Turkic States in the field of Peaceful use of Nuclear Energy” in the period ahead.

The Secretariat also participated in the 4th International Nuclear Power Plants Summit held on 8 March 2017 in Istanbul, the Ministerial Conference “Meeting Challenge of Sustainable Energy” and the “8th International Forum on Energy for Sustainable Development” held on 11 June 2017 in Astana.

During the 7th Summit of the Organization of Turkic States held on 15 October 2019 in Baku, the Heads States underlined the importance of establishing cooperation in the energy sector and encouraged the Member countries to cooperate and exchange know-how and expertise regarding security of supply, liberalization of the energy sector, establishment and/or operation of markets. They also emphasized the significant potential for establishing and improving cooperation in the areas of energy efficiency and renewable energy.

Upon instructions of the Heads of State, the 1st Meeting of the Ministers of Energy of the OTS was organized on 23-24 February 2021 in online format. This working platform established within the Organization of Turkic States ensures regional cooperation by strengthening coordination of the policies and efficient management of energy resources of the Member States, as well as explore opportunities for enhancing collaboration on applying advanced technologies in energy efficiency and renewable energy within the region. Furthermore, the exchange of experiences and best practices among the Member States, particularly in the exploration and petroleum engineering, design of the modern electrical power systems, green energy, electric vehicles and renewable energy resources will be considered an essential part of the collaboration.
The 2nd Meeting was convened on 28 September 2022 in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Ministers were reported on execution of the agreed minutes of the 1st Meeting of the Ministers in Charge of Energy of the OTS held on 24 February 2021 in an online format and appreciated the preceding meetings of the OTS Working Group on Energy Cooperation, shared their views on the current situation in energy in their respective countries as well as in the region, having expressed their commitment to the further development of the Turkic cooperation in this vital field.

In this regard, parties adopted the OTS Program on Energy Cooperation for 2023-2027 and its respective action plan which include exchange of information and ideas on legislation in energy sector and national programs, renewable and alternative energy sources, fossil fuels energy, nuclear power, energy efficiency, deployment of new technologies, capacity-building programs as well as increasing cooperation in the international arena. The Ministers stressed the need for further development of the intra-regional connectivity, improvement of renewable and alternative energy sources. As one of the significant outcomes of the meeting, the Ministers agreed to establish the OTS Coordination Committee on Energy that will also be in charge of implementation of the 5-year documents. Observer State, Hungary expressed its readiness to host the next ministerial meeting. The meeting is continued by international events and sessions in the framework of Kazakhstan International “Oil & Gas” Exhibition and Conference (KIOGE) taking place between 28-30 September 2022 in Almaty.

The 3rd meeting of the Ministers in Charge of Energy of the OTS was held in Budapest on 30 March 2023. During the meeting the Parties expressed satisfaction with the increasing cooperation in energy sector among the Member and Observer States of the OTS and instructed to finalize the establishment of the Energy Coordination Committee at the level of Deputy Energy Ministers to coordinate energy cooperation for overseeing the implementation of the OTS Program on Energy Cooperation for 2023-2027 and its Action Plan. The Ministers appreciated the efforts of the OTS Secretariat to build partnership with relevant international organizations such as International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).

It was decided to hold the next 4th Meeting of the Ministers of Energy of the OTS in 2024, in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Last Update: 2.08.2024 17:50:44