Ambassador Ramil Hasanov, Secretary General of the Turkic Council addressed the Permanent Council of the OSCE on 23 July 2015 in Vienna.

Ambassador Ramil Hasanov, Secretary General of the Turkic Council addressed the Permanent Council of the OSCE on 23 July 2015 in Vienna.
Upon the invitation of the OSCE Serbian Chairmanship, Ambassador Ramil Hasanov, Secretary General of the Turkic Council addressed the Permanent Council (PC) of the OSCE on 23 July 2015 in Vienna and gave information to 57 Participating States of the OSCE on the ongoing and future activities as well as projects of the Turkic Council.

In his address to the PC, congratulating the 40th anniversary of the Helsinki Final Act he expressed that this visionary document with its unforgettable legacy will guide the future of Eurasia that has been passing through a challenging period. Reminding that at the Turkic Council Summits, Heads of State of the Turkic Council Member States refer regularly to the commitment of the Council to the goals and principles of the UN Charter, the OSCE documents, and above all to the Helsinki Final Act, he reiterated the readiness of the Turkic Council to further cooperation with the OSCE on the issues of mutual interest. After condemning the terrible terrorist attacks recently happened in Turkey and in other countries of the world highlighting that from xenophobia and radicalization to migration and climate change, all states face common challenges, he drew attention to the need of taking coordinated and harmonized action, overcoming these indivisible challenges as “action always speaks louder than words.” In this regard, he set out his firm belief in the fact there are significant rooms to extend collaboration between two organizations in economic, human and political areas.

Following his address, Jandos Hasanov, Secretary General of TURKPA took the floor and briefed the audience of their activities.

After the two addresses, Permanent Representations of the Turkic Council Member States to the OSCE made their supportive interventions and underlined the necessity to increase cooperation between the Turkic Council and the OSCE.

At the discussion session, the delegations of the EU, USA, Macedonia and Armenia conveyed their views on the statements of both Secretary Generals. The Turkic Council Member States provided the audience with their responses to the issues raised by the said delegations.

At the end of the meeting, Secretary General Ramil Hasanov took once more the floor and put forward the position of the Turkic Council on the issues raised at the discussion session underlining the commonalities on the agenda of both organizations with respect to the principles of Helsinki Final Act. In conclusion, he extended his gratitude to Ambassador Vug Zugic, Serbian Chairperson of the OSCE and congratulated him for their successful Chairmanship. In his concluding remarks, he also welcomed the upcoming German Chairmanship of the OSCE and expressed the readiness of the Council to cooperate with them in the upcoming period.

Emre Yurdakul, Chief of Protocol and Pelin Musabay Baki, Project Director, were also present at the meeting.