Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy Fellowship

Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy Fellowship
jointly managed by 
Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy and Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Azerbaijan
ADA, with support from Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has launched a Fellowship program meant to prepare global leaders who have a strong commitment to serve a public cause.
The purpose of the fellowship is to:
∙ prepare innovative leaders with vision and global perspective
∙ encourage commitment to public service and further contribute to its development
∙ actively participate in international human capacity enhancement efforts
∙ enhance diversity of student body at ADA
∙ promote further intellectual inquiry on international topics
∙ help to strengthen bilateral relations between Azerbaijan and other countries.
Many talented and dedicated individuals from all over the world have benefitted from the ADA Fellowship. They have returned to their countries with an outstanding education and better understanding of Azerbaijan. 
Each year, ADA offers a limited number of fellowships to international students studying in degree programs at ADA. The fellowship is awarded upon admissions and reviewed for renewal at the end of each semester. The Fellowship covers the whole duration of a program of study, provided recipients meet the fellowship eligibility and renewal requirements. 
ADA Fellowship covers tuition, books and accommodation. Fellowship recipients are expected to cover all other expenses, including student fees. 
The renewal of the fellowship is on semester basis and contingent of Fellowship Eligibility Requirements. 
∙ Only foreign citizens can apply.
∙ Applicant must be successfully admitted to ADA and must enroll in a program of study before the date indicated in the admission letter. The fellowship cannot be deferred.
∙ Previous work experience in public sector is preferred and/or commitment to serve in public sector must be demonstrated prior to admission. 
∙ Fellows may not receive other types of scholarships offered by ADA, except Haji Zeynalabdin Taghiyev Award, to be earned for a project of social responsibility.
∙ Fellows must be in good academic standing demonstrated by a minimum semester GPA level of 3.0 for continuation of the fellowship. 
∙ Fellows are expected to abide by ADA Honor Code and all academic, executive and other regulations set by ADA.  
∙ Fellows are expected to adhere to norms of ethics, uphold the reputation of ADA and behave as a responsible individual while living in Azerbaijan.
∙ Fellows are expected to actively engage in ADA community through various initiatives of their own and their peers.