Deputy Foreign Ministers of Turkic Council Member States convened in Istanbul.

Deputy Foreign Ministers of Turkic Council Member States convened in Istanbul.
Secretary General of the Turkic Council Baghdad Amreyev chaired a Senior Officials Meeting of the Council at the level of deputy foreign ministers on 2 August in Istanbul.

The meeting was attended by Deputy Foreign Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan, H.E Ramiz Hasanov, First Deputy Foreign Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan, H.E. Mukhtar Tleuberdi, State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic, H.E. Aibek Omokeev and Deputy Foreign Minister of the Republic of Turkey, H.E. Yavuz Selim Kiran: State Secretary for Information and International Representation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary, H.E. Tamás Menczer.

Heads of Turkic cooperation organizations, Mr. Dusein Kaseinov - Secretary General of International Organization of Turkic Culture (TURKSOY), Mr. Altynbek Mamaiusupov - Secretary General of Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic-Speaking Countries (TURKPA), Darkhan Kydyrali - President of Turkic Academy (TA) and Gunay Afandiyeva - President of Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation (THCF), Deputies of Secretary General of the Turkic Council Ömer Kocaman and Gismat Gozalov also participated in the meeting.

Senior officials of the Foreign Ministries of the Member and Observer States of Turkic Council-Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey and Hungary, as well as project directors of Turkic Council have also attended the meeting.

Secretary General B. Amreyev briefed the delegations in detail about the ongoing cooperation projects and activities of the Turkic Council, on the preparations for the upcoming 7 th summit of TC in Baku, reform process of Turkic Cooperation Organizations and the opening the Representation Office of TC in Europe. He also provided information regarding his recent visits to Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan and prospective joint activities with these brotherly countries in the forthcoming period.

At the Ad Hoc SOC meeting, the Parties exchanged views on the preparations of the Seventh Summit of the Turkic Council. Representatives of the Member States and Turkic Cooperation Organizations expressed their views and proposals regarding the theme, the agenda and side events of the summit, as well as activities and cultural programs to be organized on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Nakhchivan Agreement.

During the meeting, the Parties discussed at length procedures to follow for the opening of the representation office of the Turkic Council in Hungary. Member States and Hungary as the host country have put the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and other founding documents on the establishment of the Office into its final form, which will be submitted to the adoption by the Foreign Ministers in the coming days.

A special emphasis was given to the decision of the Heads of States of the Turkic Council on Reforming the existing Turkic cooperation organizations. In this respect, delegations exchanged views on the ways for materializing proposals of the Member States on structural reforms and reached a common understanding.