Fourth Meeting of the Ministers in charge of Youth and Sports was held in Bishkek

Fourth Meeting of the Ministers in charge of Youth and Sports was held in Bishkek
The Fourth meeting of the Ministers in charge of Youth and Sports of the Turkic Council was held on 29 November 2019 in Bishkek. The meeting was co-hosted by the Director of State Agency for Youth Affairs, Physical Culture and Sports of Kyrgyzstan Kanat Amankulov and the Secretary General of the Turkic Council Baghdad Amreyev. Minister of Youth and Sports of Azerbaijan Azad Rahimov, senior bureaucrats of the Ministries in charge of Youth and Sports of the Member States, as well as the Ambassadors of the Member States and Consul General of Hungary attended the meeting, which was moderated by the Secretary General of the Turkic Council Baghdad Amreyev.
Ministers underscored in their speeches the importance of policies developed for youth and sports considering the educational, cultural and economic values that youth carries. They emphasized that the ongoing programs and projects for youth under the Turkic Council has proved to be a valuable mechanism to enhance ties among the Turkic speaking youth and expand their knowledge about their commonalities as well as prevent them from being affected by radical ideologies.
Ministers highly valued the establishment of the Youth Platform under the Turkic Council as a successful initiative to bring together the Turkic speaking youth under one roof and expressed their full support to its activities. They agreed to organize its Second General Assembly in Kazakhstan in 2020 together with the Fourth Turkic Council International Youth Festival. Parties expressed their willingness to convene the Second General Assembly with a larger participation from the youth NGOs of the Member States. They agreed to give priority to the members of the Youth Platform at the Youth Camps and Festivals of the Turkic Council, increase international presence of the platform through partnership with credible International Youth Forums. Having provided information on the European Office of the Turkic Council which was recently established in Budapest, Secretary General Amreyev expressed that the European Office will work for establishing firmer ties between the youth NGOs of the Turkic Council and Europe as well.     
Upon the instructions of the Presidents at the 6. Summit of the Turkic Council in Cholpon-Ata to organize Young Leaders Forums on a regular basis, and based on the successful implementation of the First and Second Turkic Council Young Leaders Forums in Nakhchivan and Turkistan, Parties agreed to organize the Third Turkic Council Young Leaders Forum in Osh, Kyrgyzstan in 2020.
Parties decided to organize the Fifth International Youth Camp in Azerbaijan in summer 2020 with the participation of youth from the Member States as well as from other brotherly countries. Upon proposal of the Secretariat of the Turkic Council, Member States also emphasized the importance of participation of young people at the camps and Festivals from member states` diasporas.
In order to increase the ties of the Turkic-speaking youth and benefit from each other’s experiences, Parties agreed to organize the First Youth Exchange Program among the Member and Observer States in Turkey in 2020. They also took the decision of organizing a Training Program on Voluntarism in 2020 in Turkey and establish a pool of volunteers of the Turkic Council, which will be benefitted in international sports event held in the Member States.
Based on the proposal of H.E. Shavkat Mirziyoyev, President of Uzbekistan, at the Seventh Summit of the Turkic Council held in Baku on 15 October 2019 to organize regular “Young Entrepreneurs Forum” within the Turkic Council and organize its first meeting in 2020 in Uzbekistan, Secretary General Amreyev touched upon the importance of ensuring active involvement of talented and well-educated youth of the Member States in entrepreneurship. Referring to the value and timeliness of the proposal, Parties expressed that the Forum will serve as a significant initiative for the young business people of the Member States to enhance their network and discover new business opportunities. Parties agreed to actively involve in the Forum.   
Highlighting sport as another significant area for empowering young people and bringing them in a friendly and peaceful environment and appreciating the successful implementation of the First Turkic University Sports Games (Turkic Universiade) held in Baku in April 2018, Ministers reiterated their countries’ readiness to participate in the Second Turkic University Sports Games to be staged in Kazakhstan in 2020. 
Parties discussed the organization of the Fourth World Nomad Games (WNG) to be organized in Turkey in 2020 upon the decision taken at the 6. Summit of the Turkic Council in Cholpon-Ata. Director General of International Organizations and Foreign Relations of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Turkey Ahmet Temurci and President of the Federation of the Traditional Sports Branches of Turkey Hakan Kazancı provided information on the ongoing preparations for the Fourth WNG and expressed their expectation to get the support of the Secretariat of the Turkic Council in the organization of the Games in line with the Secretariat’s experience from the previous WNGs. Parties agreed to benefit from the members of the Turkic Council Youth Platform and the Turkic Council volunteer group during the Fourth WNG.
In his speech, the Consul General of Hungary in Almaty Ferenc Blaumann underlined the emphasis his country places to its relations with the Turkic Council and expressed their readiness to take part in the youth and sports activities organized by the Turkic Council.
On the occasion of the 4th meeting of the Ministers in charge of Youth and Sports of the Turkic Council, the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Between the State Agency for Youth, Physical Culture and Sports under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Cooperation in the field of Physical Culture and Sports was signed by the Ministers of the respective countries.
Prior to the ministerial meeting, experts of the Ministries of Youth and Sports of the Member States gathered on 28 November 2019 for discussing the Youth and Sports programs and projects of the Turkic Council and preparing the agenda of the Ministerial Meeting.  
Secretary General Baghdad Amreyev was accompanied by the Deputy Secretary General Ömer Kocaman and Project Director Ali Çiviler.