Initiatives on the Digital Transformation Center and the Venture Fund of the OTS were discussed in Astana

Initiatives on the Digital Transformation Center and the Venture Fund of the OTS were discussed in Astana
The Secretary General of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) H.E.Ambassador Kubanychbek Omuraliev held a meeting with the Minister of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan H.E. Bagdat Mussin on 20 December 2022 in Astana. 
Subsequent to congratulating the Secretary General on the assignment, Minister Mussin shared on the current goals and undertakings of Kazakhstan as well as the vast opportunities the Turkic region offers in the fields of digitization, innovation as well as aerospace industry.
Having thanked for the welcoming, Ambassador Omuraliev shared that the Secretariat is keen on carrying out the relevant work on the concepts on establishing the Digital Transformation Center and the Venture Fund of the OTS, proposed by President Tokayev at the 9th OTS Summit.
The parties expressed their commitment to efficient and target-oriented work in the framework of OTS and henceforth focusing on concrete projects with a practical outcome.
After the meeting the Secretary General visited the Astana Hub where he was informed on its activities for developing the Turkic cooperation further.