Meeting of the Ministers in charge of Transport of the Organization of Turkic States held in Zangilan, Azerbaijan

Meeting of the Ministers in charge of Transport of the Organization of Turkic States held in Zangilan, Azerbaijan

The 7th Meeting of Ministers in Charge of Transport of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) was held on 16 November 2023 in Zangilan, Azerbaijan, with the participation of the Transport Ministers and high-level authorities from the Members and Observers.

During the meeting, the Parties discussed on the recent developments and measures to be taken to facilitate the transport and transit operations along the Trans-Caspian International East-West Middle Transport Corridor (Middle Corridor).

Adressing the meeting, the OTS Secretary General H.E. Ambassador Kubanychbek Omuraliev shared the current acvtivities and plans of the Organization as well as his views and proposals on enhancing transport and transit cooperation within the Turkic region in the face of current geopolitical changes and global challenges.

In their statements, the Heads of Delegations expressed their eagerness to continue their efforts on taking the necessary measures to facilitate transport and transit operations by introducing digital tools, increasing the number of flights, strengthening railway cooperation and organizing scheduled block trains between the Member States.

The Ministers also took several decisions aimed at enhancing transport cooperation within the OTS and ensuring proper implementation of the instructions of the Heads of State and documents signed within the OTS, including the Agreement on International Combined Freight Transport and the “Joint Action Plan (“Roadmap”) on the Implementation of the Transport Connectivity Program for 2023-2027”.

As an outcome document of the meeting, the Heads of Delegations signed the Communique of the 7th Meeting of Ministers in Charge of Transport.