Meetings of the Secretary General with cabinet members of the Government of Kazakhstan.

Meetings of the Secretary General with cabinet members of the Government of  Kazakhstan.
Secretary General of the Turkic Council Baghdad Amreyev during his working visit to Nur-Sultan on 1 February 2021 had a number of meetings with members of the Government of Kazakhstan; Minister of Industry and Infrastructural Development H.E. Beibut Atamkulov,  Minister of Trade and Integration H.E. Bakhyt Sultanov, Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry H.E. Baghdat Musin, Minister of Healthcare H.E. Alexey Tsoi, and Minister of National Economy H.E. Irgaliyev Asset.

At the meeting with Minister of Industry and Infrastructural Development H.E. Beibut Atamkulov, the Parties highlighted the high potential of mutual investments and industrial development among the Turkic Council Member States.
They discussed possible ways for enhancing multilateral cooperation in the areas such as transport, industry, infrastructure, construction, health industries and tourism. A special emphasis was made on increasing of the efficiency of transport operations between member countries.
Minister Atamkulov and Secretary General Amreyev also underlined the importance of the strategic planning of cooperation among Turkic Council member states.

During the meeting with Minister of Trade and Integration H.E. Bakhyt Sultanov the great economic potential of intra-regional trade development between Kazakhstan and Turkic Council Member States was highlighted.
Parties exchanged views on the current state of cooperation between Turkic Council Member States in the field of trade and investment, and on the means for strengthening efforts to reach a new level of collaboration.
They discussed the implementation of the decisions taken at the last Summit of the Turkic leaders as well as the preparation of legal aspects of this cooperation, including a prospective Free Trade Agreement in services and investment.
Parties discussed the ongoing issues on the agenda of trade cooperation within the Turkic Council and informed each other on the follow-up of important undertakings in this regard.

The Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of Kazakhstan H.E. Baghdat Musin and Secretary General Baghdad Amreyev, during the meeting, exchanged views on the ongoing efforts of the Organization to ensure a closer cooperation among Turkic Council member in the sphere of digitalization and aerospace industry.
Parties stressed the importance of increasing the cooperation in the field of cybersecurity, e-government, TASIM project and agreed to carry on joint efforts in this regard. 

The Minister of Healthcare of Kazakhstan Alexey Tsoi welcomed the Secretary General and expressed his satisfaction with the successful endeavors of the Turkic Council in establishing closer cooperation among the Member States in the field of health in a short period, which proved the effectiveness and relevance of the Organization under such difficult circumstances.
Parties highly evaluated the activity of the “Health Coordination Committee” headed by Deputy Ministers of Health, the important role played by the “Supply Chain Group” in providing member states with necessary medicine and medical equipment and contributions of the “Health Scientific Group” as a special mechanism ensuring exchange of experience among medical professionals.
A special emphasis was also given to the implementation of the Action Plan that was formed on the basis of the Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation between the Turkic Council and World Health Organization (WHO) signed on 11 September 2020.
Minister Tsoi and Secretary General Amreyev also agreed to strengthen the collaboration within the Organization on the procurement of critical medical supplies, including personal protective equipment, medicines and medical devices.
Parties exchanged views on further collaborative activities of the Organization particularly on hospital management, training of doctors, and preparation of special software infrastructures for the health sector as well as on joint measures to take for the post-crisis period.
During the meeting with the newly appointed Minister of National Economy of Kazakhstan, H.E. Asset Irgaliyev, Baghdad Amreyev briefed the Minister on the activities of the Organization and main priorities of its current agenda in the field of economy. He noted that the Turkic Council is an important platform for further strengthening the integration and development of relations between the member states; and expressed appreciation with the active role of Kazakhstan within the Organization.
Minister Asset Irgaliyev noted the high level cooperation between Kazakhstan and the member countries of the Organization and assured that Kazakhstan would continue to enhancing economic aspects of multilateral cooperation within the Turkic Council.
Parties discussed the implementation process of the decisions made by Heads of States on the establishment of necessary institutions aimed at increasing the efficiency of economic cooperation of Turkic Council member states.