Message of the Secretary General of the Organization of Turkic States on the occasion of the State Symbols Day of Kazakhstan

Message of the Secretary General of the Organization of Turkic States on the occasion of the State Symbols Day of Kazakhstan

On behalf of the Organization of Turkic States and on my own, I sincerely congratulate the people of Kazakhstan on the occasion of the Day of State Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

During the years of its Independence Kazakhstan has become a key player in the region as well as a global leader in nuclear disarmament, initiator of inter-confessional concord and other vital elements of the global agenda.

Noting the efforts and achievements of Kazakhstan, we can state with confidence that the country has taken a strategically correct path.

Having chaired in the UN SC, OTS, OSCE, OIC, SCO and other relevant institutions, Kazakhstan has been contributing to the worldwide stability and peace via proposing and implementing relevant initiatives on various issues of the global political and economic agenda.

State symbols are one of the essential attributes of any state representing its own identity and sovereignty as well as the core foundations for any  country. 

Taking this opportunity, I extend my sincere congratulations to New Kazakhstan and wish the continuity of the country’s further development, successful democratic reforms and prosperous future.

Baghdad Amreyev

Secretary General of the Organization of Turkic States