Permanent Secretariat of Turkic Chamber of Commerce and Industry (TTCI) opened in Istanbul.

Permanent Secretariat of Turkic Chamber of Commerce and Industry (TTCI) opened in Istanbul.
The official opening ceremony of the Permanent Secretariat of Turkic Chamber of Commerce and Industry (TTCI) and first General Assembly of TTCI took place on 31 July in Istanbul.

The ceremony was attended by the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Turkey H.E. Ruhsar Pekcan, Secretary General of the Turkic Council Baghdad Amreyev, President of TOBB, Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, President of ASK, Mammad Musayev, Chairman of Atameken, Ablay Myrzakhmetov and President of the CCI of the Kyrgyz Republic, Marat Sharshekeev,  Adviser to the President of the CCI of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Fozil Otajonov, as well as business communities from Member States and Uzbekistan.

Speaking at the ceremony, President of Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Rıfat Hisarcıklıoğlu welcomed the Heads of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Turkic Council Member States, Secretary General of Turkic Council and expressed special appreciation to the Minister of Trade of Turkey H.E. Ruhsar Pekcan for the participation in the ceremony.

Referring to the proposal made by First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan H.E. Nursultan Nazarbayev after the establishment of Turkic Council regarding the need for institutionalization of relations among business communities of the Turkic world, Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that certain steps have been made in this direction starting from establishment of Turkic Business Council to the signing of the Statute of TCCI in Nur-Sultan on May 2019. 

Underlining the necessity to fully benefit from the existing potential of the Member States for developing industry and enhancing trade relations, TOBB President emphasized on custom and trade barriers as the major bottleneck hindering free trade among the Turkic States. In this context, he called on the business communities of the Member States to support TCCI and get involved in the activities of TCCI.
R. Hisarcıklıoğlu expressed his willingness for Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan to join the members of Turkic Council and stated that the Statute was designed to enabling both Chambers to become full member of TCCI.  

Minister of Trade of the Republic of Turkey, H.E. Ruhsar Pekcan welcomed the establishment of the Chamber, which will contribute Turkic Council member countries to strengthen their bilateral trade relations. Minister R.Pekcan stressed that trade turnover between Turkey and Turkic Council countries increased 16.7% and amounting to $6.5 billion in 2018 and when we include Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan the amount reached $9 billion. Also investments of Turkey to these countries exceeded $15 billion in 2018. But she underlined that bilateral trade volume between Turkey and 4 Turkic Council Member States fell short of this figure and is far behind the expected level. 

Turkish Minister stated that the Member States have a great potential to increase trade turnover and direct investments and expressed that TCCI will be an important instrument to achieve this target. Therefore the role of new trade body in drafting the road map is essential. In the regard, Trade Minister proposed particularly to concentrate efforts and available resources towards the implementation of joint projects, increase the number of exhibitions, training programs and exchange of experiences within the newly established TCCI.     

Secretary General of the Turkic Council Baghdad Amreyev, in his speech, stated that the establishment of TCCI was long awaited event for enhancing the diversified multilateral cooperation among the Turkic States.

Secretary General B.Amreyev said that this newly established economic body will become one of the most important mechanisms of cooperation carried out under the umbrella of the Turkic Council and open new doors to boost trade and investments between the member countries. He expressed confidence in the newly established TCCI and its high potential will provide productive programs, projects and activities to the Turkic world in the upcoming years. B.Amreyev underlined that he has a high expectation of business actors and TCCI to yield concrete results. 

Head of the Turkic Council reminded that the 7th Summit of Heads of States will be dedicated to the development of SMEs as an important factor for step forward underling the importance economic aspect of our cooperation. 

Secretary General highly appreciated the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Turkey, H.E. Ruhsar Pekcan for her attendance showing the substantial support of the government of Turkey to the Turkic Council, and to the development economic ties among the Turkic Council Member States. Emphasizing strong and diversified economy, B.Amreyev underlined that the driving force of Turkey in this field is essential for our progress. 

He also addressed his gratitude to TOBB President Mr. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu for his invaluable contributions to uniting the business communities of the Turkic world and for his efforts in the establishment process of TCCI. 

President of the National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers) Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan (ASK), Mammad Musayev congratulated the Member Chambers for being part of this historic event and expressed that he expects great achievements from TCCI. He also underlined that the Turkic Council Member States have a high economic potential and close collaboration of their business communities is essential to ensure economic growth. He stated that ASK is ready to provide all the support to TCCI in that regard.  

ASK President invited the Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the Member States, as well as Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan to the “Turkic Business Forum” planned to be organized on the margins of the upcoming 7th Summit of the Turkic Council to be held on 15 October 2019 in Baku. 

Chairman of the Board of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken", Ablay Myrzakhmetov stated that the newly established Turkic Chambers of Commerce and Industry will contribute to the improvement of trade and investment climate. Touching upon recent activities and reforms carried out in the “Atameken”, Chairman A. Myrzakhmetov invited business actors of the Member States to closely cooperate with the Organization. He stressed that only through joint efforts and collaboration; Turkic business world can achieve success.

President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic, Marat Sharshekeev has described this event as an important day for the Turkic world. He said that uniting the national Chambers will provide added value to the economy of Turkic Council countries. M.Sharshekeev called for the continuation of activities towards elimination of trade challenges and barriers, particularly reduction of tariffs and logistic costs in Member States.

Following the welcoming statements the delegates participated at the special ribbon cutting ceremony.

First General Assembly of TTCI

As an important part of the event, the first General Assembly of TCCI convened at the premises of TOBB in Istanbul.

During the meeting General Assembly moderated by Secretary General B. Amreyev the President and Secretary General of TCCI were elected.  Then members discussed the preparation to the 7th Turkic Council Summit, participation of TCCI in Caspian Economic Forum to be held on 12 August 2019 in “Avaza National Tourist Zone” (Turkmenbashi/Turkmenistan) and organization of Turkic Business Forum in Tashkent in September 2019.  

The agenda of the meeting was preceded with the presentations of Project Director of the Secretariat of Turkic Council, Farrukh Jumayev on the “Turkic Trade House” concept, President of Organized Industrial Zones Supreme Organization of Turkey Memiş Kutukçu on “Turkey’s experience in Organized Industrial Zones” and Prof. İbrahim Bayar, Chief Legal Counsellor of TOBB on Turkey’s experience on alternative dispute resolution mechanisms.

Secretary General was assisted by Deputy Secretaries General Dr. Omer Kocaman, Gismat Gozalov and Project Directors Ozge Pan and Farrukh Jumayev during the event.