President of Turkmenistan received Secretary General of the Turkic Council

President of Turkmenistan received Secretary General of the Turkic Council

Secretary General of the Turkic Council Baghdad Amreyev was received by the President of Turkmenistan His Excellency Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow on 29 June 2021 in Ashgabat. 

President Berdimuhamedow welcomed the Secretary General of the Turkic Council in his first audience with the President of Turkmenistan. Turkmen Leader stated that Turkmenistan has been enjoying close brotherly relations with the Turkic States for many decades and considers itself as an integral member of the Turkic family. He expressed confidence that these contacts would be the solid basis for achieving closer cooperation between Turkmenistan and Turkic Council.

Secretary General Amreyev expressed gratitude to President Berdimuhamedow for the audience and stated that Turkmenistan has always been an essential part of the Turkic World and constitutes the treasure of the deep-rooted common history, culture and heritage; and a natural strategic partner of all brotherly Turkic countries.

B. Amreyev added that the Turkic Council closely follows up brotherly Turkmenistan performing crucial undertakings in socio-economic life and holding its well-deserved privileged position on the international scene and highly valued advanced bilateral relations between Turkmenistan and the Turkic Council Member States that constitute the strong foundation for further strengthening cooperation in the Turkic world.

Secretary General pointed out that the active involvement of Turkmenistan both in cooperation with the member countries and the dialogue processes that the country performs with states and international organizations outside the region with the aim of increasing the connectivity and maintaining stable development, economic growth and stability are the common pride of the Turkic World.

Secretary General Amreyev reported the President Berdimuhamedow on the current undertakings of the Turkic Council and ongoing preparations for the 8th Summit of the Turkic Council planned to be held in Istanbul in November 2021. Underlining that the important decisions to be taken at the Summit will mark the transition to a higher level of cooperation within the Turkic Council and strong transformation of the relations in the Turkic world, B. Amreyev expressed that the expected participation of His Excellency Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow in this landmark Summit will exhibit the unity in the Turkic world. 

Secretary General Amreyev briefed the Turkmen President regarding the future strategies of the Turkic Council, developments related to the establishment of the Turkic Investment Fund, relations with non-member countries, as well as cooperation opportunities of Turkmenistan with Member States in the various fields particularly in economy, trade, transport and energy.

Turkmen President informed Secretary General on his recent contacts with the Presidents of the Turkic Council Member States and confirmed his participation in the 8th Turkic Council Summit that will convene in November this year.

President of Turkmenistan further expressed the readiness of Turkmenistan to take part in the projects of the Turkic Council in the areas of common interest. He hoped that increasing momentum within the Turkic world would uphold in the upcoming years.

President Berdimuhamedow and Secretary General Amreyev discussed the future of the cooperation between Turkmenistan and Turkic Council with a view to according Turkmenistan a special status in the Organization.

Turkmen Leader and Secretary General also exchanged views on certain issues that are on the current global and international agenda.