Report of the Bishkek Summit

Report of the Bishkek Summit
(22-23 August 2012)
1. The Second Summit of the Turkic Council was held on 22-23 August 2012 in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Bishkek Summit was organized under a specific topic and in this context “Educational, Scientific and Cultural Cooperation” was discussed.

2. In line with the topic of the Bishkek Summit, the First Meeting of the Ministries of Culture was convened in the city of Cholpan-Ata (Kyrgyz Republic) on August 3, 2012. During the meeting moderated by the Turkic Council Secretary General, the parties discussed development of cooperation in the field of culture, shared their opinions, planned methods of further strengthening and deepening cooperation in the field of culture.  

During the meeting the Parties agreed to initiate creation of Union of Writers and Union of Cinema Workers of the Turkic states, support the organization of the Issyk Kul Forum, which will be organized in 2013 and the organization of an Exhibition of the Turkic States in the framework of ECO Summit, which will take place in Baku in October, 2012.

3. Subsequently, the Ministers of Education met in Cholpan-Ata on 10 August 2012 to establish substantial, wide ranging cooperation in the fields of science and education amongst Turkic Council Member States. The Ministers agreed to support the initiative to establish a Turkic University Union, prepare a draft of the common history textbook and textbook on Turkic Literature to be used in secondary and high schools.

4.         According to the Almaty Declaration, Ministers in charge of Economy were to report to the next Summit of Heads of State on the progress achieved. In this vein, the Ministers met on 14 August 2012 in Baku to carry forward the economic agenda of the cooperation amongst Member States of the Turkic Council. The Ministers discussed the reports of the four Working Groups on Improving the Investment Climate, Diversification of Economy, Development of Transport and Entrepreneurship as the Basis of Economic Relations which convened on 13-14 August 2012 in Baku. They agreed on several issues which include: organisation of Business Forum and Exhibition of the Member States in the first half of 2013 in Istanbul and accelerating studies for the establishment of a “Development Fund of the Turkic Speaking States”. During the meeting “Joint Investment Promotion Portal of the Turkic Council” prepared by the Secretariat was also presented.  

The Ministers decided to meet again during the first half of 2013 in Turkey and Working Groups will hold their next round of meetings before the end of 2012 in Istanbul. 

5. The 7th meeting of the Senior Officials Committee was held on 20-21 August 2012 in Bishkek. The SOC discussed and finalized the draft texts of i) Agreement on the Financial Rules of the Secretariat, ii) Charter of Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation, iii) Agreement on the Establishment of Turkic Academy, iv) Declaration of the 2nd Summit of the Turkic Council to be submitted to the CFM.

The Financial Report of the Secretariat – 2011 and draft Budget of the Secretariat for 2013 was examined. SOC also took note of the current financial situation of the Secretariat.

The Secretary General presented the flag of the Turkic Council which had been endorsed by the Council of elders. The SOC agreed to submit the flag to the CFM.

The agenda of the CFM was also discussed. SOC decided to schedule the next SOC meeting at the end of 2012 in Istanbul.

6. Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan H.E. Yerzhan Kazykhanov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic H.E. Ruslan Kazakbaev, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey H.E. Ahmet Davutoğlu and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan H.E. Khalaf Khalafov attended the Second meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM) of the Turkic Council on 22 August 2012 in Bishkek; prior to the Second Summit of the Turkic Council. The heads of delegation delivered their statements.

They welcomed:

- Report by the member of the Council of Elders from Kyrgyzstan Mr. Ishenbay Abdurazakov regarding the work of the Council;

- Report by the Minister of Culture of the Kyrgyz Republic H.E. Ibragim Dzhunusov on the results of the First meeting of the Ministries of Culture of the Turkic Council;

- Report by the Minister of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic H.E. Kanatbek Sadykov on the results of the First meeting of the Ministers of Education of the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States;

- Report by the Minister of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic H.E. Temir Sariev on the results of the Second meeting of the Ministers in charge of Economy of the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States;

- Report on the work of TURKPA by H.E. Ramil Hasanov, the Secretary General of TURKPA;

- Report on the work of the Secretariat by H.E. Halil Akinci, the Secretary-General of the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States.

During the session, the CFM endorsed the Flag of the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States presented by the Secretary General.

Thereafter the Ministers approved the following documents:

- Agreement on the Financial Rules of the Secretariat of the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States;

- Agreement on the Establishment of the Turkic Academy;

- Charter of the Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation;

- draft Declaration of the Second Summit of the Turkic Council.

After the CFM meeting, the Ministers held a press conference.

7. Second Summit of the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States was held on 23rd of August 2012 with the participation of President of the Republic of Kazakhstan H.E. Nursultan Nazarbayev, President of the Kyrgyz Republic H.E. Almazbek Atambaev, President of the Republic of Turkey H.E. Abdullah Gül and Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan H.E. Artur Rasi-zade.

Council of Heads of State (CHS) held its first session in “narrow circle” with the participation of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan H.E. Yerzhan Kazykhanov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic H.E. Ruslan Kazakbaev, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey H.E. Ahmet Davutoğlu, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan H.E. Khalaf Khalafov and Secretary General of the Turkic Council H.E. Halil Akinci.

Following the first session, Heads of State proceeded to the “broad circle” meeting. The meeting was chaired by the President of Kyrgyz Republic H.E. Almazbek Atambaev. The Chair summarized the narrow circle meeting saying that CHS discussed issues of common interest and agreed on signing the Agreement on the Financial Rules of the Secretariat of the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States, Agreement on the Establishment of the Turkic Academy, Charter of the Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation as well as the Declaration of the Second Summit of the Turkic Council.

Presidents emphasized the importance of cooperation in transport amongst Member States and instructed the Ministers of Transportation and Customs Authorities to meet and discuss issues of interest, mainly extension of Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway across the Caspian Sea via Kazakhstan to China.

In this vein, Presidents also proposed to invite Ministers of Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Georgia to the meetings as important partner countries linking the Member States.

Consequently, the Declaration of Second Summit of the Turkic Council was adopted by the CHS without any amendments. The CHS also issued a special statement regarding the recent terrorist attacks in Turkey.  

At the final session, the Presidents witnessed the signature process of the Agreement on the Financial Rules of the Secretariat of the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States, Agreement on the Establishment of the Turkic Academy and Charter of the Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation. After the signing ceremony the press conference was held.

Following the Summit Meeting the Secretary General held a press conference to inform the media on the Summit, as well other activities of the Turkic Council.