Representatives of the OTS Member States visited TuranSEZ

Representatives of the OTS Member States visited TuranSEZ
The representatives of the government bodies of the OTS Member States in charge of economic and industrial zones had a field visit to Turkistan on 30-31 May 2022.
In the framework of the field trip the delegations held a meeting with the Akim of Turkistan region Mr Umirzak Shukeyev on 30 May 2022.
The meeting was moderated by Deputy Secretary General of the Organization of Turkic States Mr Omer Kocaman and attended by representatives of the relevant state agencies of the OTS Member States.
Within his speech Mr Umirzak Shukeyev  welcomed the intention of the brotherly countries on preparation of the “Turan” Special economic zone (TuranSEZ) concept aimed at deepening the Turkic cooperation. 
Deputy Secretary General Omer Kocaman expressed gratitude to the Kazakh side for the hospitality and informed about the ongoing OTS activities in various fields as well as regarding the TuranSEZ.
Delegations from the OTS Member States noted the huge potential of the Turkistan region for the creation of TuranSEZ, shared the best practices of their countries in the field of special economic zones as well as industrial zones and expressed their readiness to provide further support on promotion of the international project.
On the second day of the field trip the delegations of the OTS Member States held a meeting at the head office of the “Turkistan” Special economic zone.
At the site Head of the Special economic zone Mr Altay Ordabekov briefed the representatives on the undertakings towards the establishment of TuranSEZ including the legal, organizational and other aspects of the establishment of the TuranSEZ as well as its advantages for the potential investors.
Experts agreed to carry out further discussions for enhancing the draft concept and inform their countries on the ongoing preparations.
During the two-day trip the delegations visited  the Khoja Ahmed Yassawi mausoleum and the cultural-spiritual centers of Turkistan.