Second Meeting of the Turkic Council Ministers in charge of Youth and Sports was held on 13 May 2017 in Baku.

Second Meeting of the Turkic Council Ministers in charge of Youth and Sports was held on 13 May 2017 in Baku.
Second Meeting of the Turkic Council Ministers in charge of Youth and Sports was hosted by the Minister of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Azerbaijan Azad Rahimov on 13 May 2017 in Baku.
Apart from the Minister of Youth and Sports of Azerbaijan Azad Rahimov, Director of State Agency for Youth Affairs, Physical Culture and Sports of Kyrgyzstan Kanat Amankulov, Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs and Civil Society of Kazakhstan Berik Aryn, Deputy Undersecretary of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Turkey Mustafa Çolak, Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan to Baku Aijigit Buranov and a large number of senior bureaucrats from member states were present at the meeting, which was moderated by the Turkic Council Secretary General Ambassador Ramil Hasanov.
In their statements during the Second Ministerial Meeting in the field of Youth and Sports held under the auspices of Turkic Council, Ministers and Secretary General discussed the issues such as “Third World Nomad Games”, “Turkic Council University Sports Games" (Turkic Universiade); "Turkic Council International Youth Camps"; “Turkic Council Youth Festival” and the establishment of "Turkic Council Youth Platform".
In this regard;
Parties approved the Regulation of Turkic Council Youth Platform aimed at enhancing cooperation among the youth of the member states and bringing Turkic youth organizations under one roof. The document was signed by the Turkic Council Secretary General Ambassador Ramil Hasanov in the presence of ministers and heads of delegations. The founding document of the Youth Platform will be presented to the Heads of State of the member states at the 6th Summit of the Turkic Council.
It was decided to organize the 2nd and 3rd Turkic Council International Youth Camps on 10-16 July 2017 and 13-19/22-28 August 2017 in Kazakhstan`s city of Burabay and Turkey`s city of Antalya, respectively. Ministers emphasized the importance of participation of young people at the camps from member states` diasporas.
Following the successful organization of the 1st Turkic Council Youth Festival in the city of Gence in Azerbaijan on 27-30 September 2016, it was found appropriate to arrange the 2nd Youth Festival in 2018 in Issyk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan.
It was decided to hold the First Turkic Council University Sports Games on 20-25 April 2018 in Baku. Games will be held in 5 compulsory and 2 elective sport branches.
Likewise, the Turkic Council Young Leaders Forum will be held in 2018 in Azerbaijan. It was agreed that the Forum should be held regularly every year in a member state on a rotation basis.
It was also decided that the Third Meeting of Turkic Council Ministers of Youth and Sports will be held in 2017 in Kazakhstan.