Secretary General attended the 5th Ethnosport Forum under the motto of «Reviving Traditional Sports” in Baku

Secretary General attended the 5th Ethnosport Forum under the motto of «Reviving Traditional Sports” in Baku
Secretary General of the Organization of Turkic States Baghdad Amreyev participated in the 5th Ethnosport Forum under the motto of “The Reviving Traditional Sports” took place on March 5-6, 2022 in Baku, Azerbaijan.                          
The aim of the Forum co-hosted by the Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the World Ethnosport Confederation was to contribute to the humanity on the basis of four principles of the universal values: tradition, respect, solidarity, and peace, as well as to determine strategies for reviving and diversification of traditional sports and games.
The Forum consisted of three plenary sessions and was attended by more than 140 participants from around the world, including government officials, representatives of federation and academicians from more than 14 WEC member countries.
Minister of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Azerbaijan H.E. Farid Gayibov welcomed the participants of the Forum. He informed that there are over 100 sports facilities in Azerbaijan and expressed the importance of further development of traditional sport in an international level. 
During his welcoming remarks, Mr.Necmeddin Bilal Erdogan, President of the World Ethnosport Confederation stated that today the humanity needs peace, solidarity, respect to traditions which the Confederation assumes and builds on the fields of its activities. Drawing attention to the rapid distraction of all great values of humanity that have built and inherited, WEC President pointed out the need to regbuild forgotten and lost values, through joint collaboration to raise awareness of values for a more peaceful future. 
B.Erdogan underlined that WEC is committed to reviving traditional sports and games in which traditional cultures are preserved and strive to preserve all types of tangible and intangible cultural heritage including crafts, music, language, dance, etc. 
Secretary General Baghdad Amreyev during his speech at the opening ceremony, briefed about the activities and projects implemented by the OTS within the cooperation the field of sports and expressed the significance of preserving national culture and traditions for the future generations. 
B.Amreyev emphasized the importance of the World Nomad Games (WNG) and noted that the 4th WNG to be organized in the late September 2022 in Iznik, Türkiye will provide great contribution to the development of ethno-historical sports, intercultural dialogue, as well as the promotion of Turkic cultural heritage.
Secretary General B.Amreyev stressed that these games will become another significant page in the cooperation between the Organization of Turkic States and the World Ethnosport Confederation and the Organization is always open to new ideas, projects in this field and ready to support and implement initiatives of common Turkic family.
The forum continued with a high-level ministerial panel chaired by Bilal Erdogan and speeches delivered by Minister of Youth and Sports H.E. Mehmet Kasapoğlu, Minister of Sports of Niger H.E. Adamu Sekou Doro, Minister of Youth and Sports of Gambia H.E. Bakari Baji and Director of the National Sports Commission of Mexico (CONADE) Ms. Ana Gabriela Guevara Espinosa. 
Then Ministers of Youth and Sports, WEC President, Secretary General of the Organization of Turkic States, UNHCR Executive Director and Director General of CONADE signed the Statement of the 5th Ethnosport Forum. The statement reflects the importance of developing, supporting and promoting traditional sports at the national and international levels.