Secretary General of the Turkic Council Ambassador Ramil Hasanov had a bilateral meeting with Jorge Chediek, UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy on South-South Cooperation, Director of UN Office for South-South Cooperation.

Secretary General of the Turkic Council Ambassador Ramil Hasanov had a bilateral meeting with Jorge Chediek, UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy on South-South Cooperation, Director of UN Office for South-South Cooperation.
Secretary General of the Turkic Council Ambassador Ramil Hasanov had a bilateral meeting with Jorge Chediek, UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy on South-South Cooperation, Director of UN Office for South-South Cooperation on 22 September 2016 in New York.

Within framework of his visit to New-York Secretary General of the Turkic Council Ambassador Ramil Hasanov had a bilateral meeting with Jorge Chediek, UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy on South-South Cooperation, Director of UN Office for South-South Cooperation on 22 September 2016 in New York.

Ambassador Hasanov expressed his great satisfaction about the ongoing collaboration between the two organizations based on the Memorandum of Understanding signed in April 2016. He briefed him about the preparation process of the international conference namely “the Role of Youth in Preventing and Countering violent extremism: Holistic approaches, from education to de-radicalization” to be co-hosted by the Turkic Council and UN Alliance of Civilizations on 20-21 October 2016 in Istanbul. In this regard, he handed the official invitation for the conference to Special Envoy Chediek to welcome him as a keynote speaker. Special Envoy Chediek noted his appreciation for the ongoing collaboration between the organizations and invited Ambassador Hasanov to the South South Cooperation Expo 2016 to be held in November 2016 in Dubai. Both sides reiterated their commitment to further their existing cooperation on the basis of projects regarding the topics including rural tourism development.

Project Directors Pelin Musabay, Yedil Myrzakhanov, Farid Damirli as well as Chief of Protocol Emre Yurdakul accompanied the Secretary General Hasanov at the meeting.