Secretary General of the Turkic Council had several meetings in Baku.

Secretary General of the Turkic Council had several meetings in Baku.
Secretary General of the Turkic Council Baghdad Amreyev visited Baku on 3-4 September 2019 in the framework of preparations to the upcoming Summit of the Turkic Council.
During his visit Secretary General B.Amreyev met with Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, H.E. Elmar Mammadyarov, Minister of Economy of Azerbaijan, H.E. Shahin Mustafayev, Head of Foreign Policy İssues of the Administration of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Hikmet Hajiyev and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs H.E. Ramiz Hasanov.
During the meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs on 4th September, Secretary General briefed Foreign Minister Mammadyarov on the recent activities of the Turkic Council, implemented projects ın the field of economy (trade and investment), recent development of relations with Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Hungary, as well as obtaining observer status of the Turkic Council in internatıonal organizations.
The Parties discussed in detail issues related to the preparation of the upcoming Summit of the Turkic Council, which will take place on 14-15 October 2019 in Baku and events to be organized on the margins of Summit.
Minister E.Mammadyarov briefed the Secretary General on activities undertaken by Azerbaijan in this regard as host country and shared the views on the program and agenda of the Summit.
Secretary General expressed his gratitude for Azerbaıjan’s continuous support given to the Turkic Council and the development of multilateral relations among the Turkic-Speaking States.
Minister Mammadyarov emphasized his readiness to assist the Secretariat of Turkic Council in its activities on successfully organization of the upcoming Summit in Baku.
At the end of the meeting Minister Mammadyarov presented the Secretary General of Turkic Council Baghdad Amreyev and Deputy Secretary Generals Omer Kocaman and Gismat Gozalov commemorative medals on the 100th Anniversary of the Diplomatic Service of Azerbaijan.
Secretary General B.Amreyev also had a meeting with H.E. Ramiz Hasanov, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Head of organizing committee of the 7th Summit of Turkic Council. Secretary General and Deputy Minister R.Hasanov discussed technical details of the upcoming Summit in Baku, such as program of the Summit, agenda of events to be organized on the sidelines, venue, hospitality issues and etc.
Secretary General of Turkic Council Baghdad Amreyev had a meeting with Minister of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan H.E. Shahin Mustafayev.
Secretary General briefly informed the Minister on the Turkic Council’s latest activities on the upcoming projects in the field of economy, particularly the establishment of the Turkic Joint Chamber of Commerce and Industry and efforts undertaken by the Secretariat to set up a Joint Investment Fund.
Minister Shahin Mustafayev stressed that cooperation of Azerbaijan with Turkic Council member states in various fields is rapıdly developing. Noting the expansion of trade relations among member states, Minister said that trade turnover of Azerbaıjan with Turkic Council member countries ın January-July of thıs year increased by 32%. It was also noted that Azerbaijan actively participates in the events of the Turkic-speaking states and makes an important contribution to the development of economic relations between the member states.
The Minister Mustafayev informed about the mechanisms that Azerbaijan uses in the field of export promotion, trade houses of Azerbaijan recently opened and operating in Member Countries.
Later, Secretary General B.Amreyev and Minister Mustafayev exchanged views and discussed in-depth the program of the Business Forum to be organized wıthın the 7th Summit of the Turkic Council on 15 October 2019 in Baku.
Secretary General of Turkic Council Baghdad Amreyev met in Baku with Mr. Hikmet Hajiyev, Head of Foreign Policy Department of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Parties discussed in detail the program of the upcoming 7th Summit of the Turkic Council to be held on 15 October 2019 in Baku.
Secretary General Amreyev also briefed Mr. Hajıyev on the activities of the Turkic Council, partıcularly the opening of a Representation Office of Turkic Council in Budapest, relations with non-member countries and international organizations, as well as the reform process of the Turkic Council.
Mr. Hajiyev reiterated support of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, H.E. Ilham Aliyev to the Secretariat of Turkic Council in the efforts of the Secretariat for enhancing relations including with non-Member countries and strengthening the cooperation with international organizations, as well as expanding the visibility of the Council in the region and beyond.
Mr. Hajiyev and B. Amreyev expressed their hope that through the joint efforts of the Member States and Turkic Council Secretariat, the upcoming Turkic Council Summit will be a successful historic event for the benefit of Turkic nations.
Secretary General B. Amreyev met also with President of the National Confederation of Entrepreneurs Confederation of Azerbaijan, Mammad Musayev.
Parties made in-depth discussions on the organization of Turkic Business Forums in Tashkent and Baku on 5th and 15th October accordingly.
Underlyıng the considerable experience of Confederatıon of Entrepreneurs of Azerbaijan in organizing such events, Secretary General expressed his confidence for the successful organization of above mentioned Business Forum
Deputy Secretary General of the Turkic Council Gismet Gozalov and Project Director Farrukh Jumayev accompanied the Secretary General on the mentioned meetings.