Statement of the Secretary General of the Turkic Council on the humanitarian aid recently delivered by Turkey to the Member States

Statement of the Secretary General of the Turkic Council on the humanitarian aid recently delivered by Turkey to the Member States
Since the beginning of global spread of the pandemic, Member and Observer States of the Turkic Council have established a close cooperation in fight against pandemic. 
The Heads of State of the Turkic Council held an Extraordinary Summit on 10 April 2020 for this aim, through video-conference. Upon the instructions of the Heads of State at the Extraordinary Summit, the Turkic Council convened Ministerial Meetings in the fields of Health, Economy-Trade, Transport, Migration and Tourism in order to increase interaction among the Member States during and after pandemic period.
While commending the collaboration and solidarity among the Member and Observer States of the Turkic Council, the Secretary General Baghdad Amreyev stated that since the outbreak of the pandemic, Member and Observer States have shown their resolute stand in fight against the COVID-19 and many important decisions have been made during their meetings at various levels. 
As part of these joint efforts and cooperation, Republic of Turkey since the early stages of the pandemic, have been providing humanitarian aids to the Turkic Council Member and Observer States namely Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Uzbekistan and Republic of Hungary to mitigate the negative effects of the COVID-19 and help this brotherly countries to reach the necessary capabilities for diagnosing and treating the patients suffering from this illness. 
In the last days, this cooperation entered into a new phase. Turkey sent Kazakhstan today by special plane 30 ventilators, 10 PCR kits, hundreds of thousands masks, tens of thousands protective clothes, 10 thousand packs of hydroxychloroquine tablets and other medical equipment. Previously, also more than 10 tons of medical equipment and drugs were sent to Kazakhstan by different public and private organizations of Turkey.
Turkey granted recently medical supplies to Azerbaijan including 30 ventilators, 150 thousand masks, 5 thousand glasses, 200 thousand gloves, 40 thousand various medicines and other medical equipment. Moreover, coronavirus Scientific Advisory Board Members of the Republic of Turkey recently visited Azerbaijan to contribute studies conducted against the pandemic.
Based on the phone conversation between H.E. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, President of the Republic of Turkey and H.E. Sooronbay Jeenbekov, President of Kyrgyz Republic on 6 July 2020,  Turkey granted 20 ventilators, 50 oxygen generators, 150 thousand masks, 35 thousand protective clothes and 1000 packs of hydroxychloroquine tablets and other medical equipment.
Turkey also granted medical aid to Uzbekistan including 50 ventilators, medicines, masks, protective gloves and other medical equipment in the last couple of months. 
Secretary General expressed his gratitude to the Republic of Turkey for providing aid to the Turkic Council Member States and mentioned that Turkey is successfully waging its own battle against COVID-19, at the same time extending helping hand not only to the Turkic countries but also to the people who are in dire need all over the world.
He underlined his firm belief that the Turkic world will pass through these difficult days by increasing solidarity and cooperation as well as revive its economic and social strength and the Turkic Council will support all efforts to this end.