The statement of the Presidents of the Turkic Council regarding the attempted coup in Turkey and unofficial translations of the statements.

The statement of the Presidents of the Turkic Council regarding the attempted coup in Turkey and unofficial translations of the statements.
The statement of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev regarding the attempted coup in Turkey and its unofficial translation:
The assistant of the Azerbaijani President on social-political affairs Ali Hasanov made a statement regarding the attempted coup in Turkey:
According to the information presented by Hasanov, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev followed the developments taking place in Turkey throughout the night with anxiety and was deeply concerned about the events.
Ali Hasanov added that;
“The President of Azerbaijan seriously condemned these events and unambiguously regarded them as a coup attempt, and treason against the national interests of the people of Turkey, the country’s democratic fundamentals and rule of law.”
“President Ilham Aliyev stated that Azerbaijan stands by the government and people of Turkey, and fully supports the government, which was democratically elected by Turkish citizens. The head of State also gave requisite instructions to appropriate state authorities.”
“The President welcomed the measures taken to suppress the coup attempt and stabilize the situation in Turkey, and hoped for the soonest normalization of the situation.”
“President Ilham Aliyev extended his condolences to the families of those who were killed during the coup attempt, and wished the injured the swiftest possible recovery”
The statement of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev regarding the attempted coup in Turkey and its unofficial translation:
The telegram of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev to the President of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayip Erdoğan regarding the attempted coup in Turkey:
We express our heartfelt sympathy and deepest condolences to the families and relatives of all those who died and were injured in this tragic event. We call on the brotherly Turkish people for unity and endurance in this situation. We are confident in the speedy resolution of the situation. We have no doubt that the Turkish nation led by a democratically elected leadership will overcome all the current challenges and continue a confident development on the path of democracy and progress.
On behalf of the people of Kazakhstan and on behalf of his own, the Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev expressed his solidarity to the Turkish President Recep Tayip Erdoğan stressing that he was confident in the prosperous future of the friendly country.
The statement of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic Almazbek Atambaev regarding the attempted coup in Turkey and its unofficial translation:
The message of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic Almazbek Atambaev regarding the attempted coup in Turkey that was published in the official website of the Presidency:
Kyrgyz President Almazbek Atambaev indicated that Kyrgyz people will always stand by the legal and democratically elected government in brotherly Turkey. He also noted that “the coup attempt experienced in Turkey was unacceptable”. The President of the Kyrgyz Republic added that “the power belongs to the people”, “Turkey remains our strategic partner and there are historical ties of brotherhood that unite our countries and our people.
We believe that wise Turkish people who are in favor of constitution, stability, human rights and freedom will be able to stand up against such kind of attacks”. Finally, the President Atambaev stated that the Kyrgyz people support the legal government of the Republic of Turkey and wish for the rapid establishment of peace and stability in Turkey.