Turkic Council attended the opening ceremony of the Turkic World Tonyukuk Park.

Turkic Council attended the opening ceremony of the Turkic World Tonyukuk Park.

The opening of the Turkic World Tonyukuk Park took place in Ankara on 21 February 2021 in honour of the Year of Turkic Language and the 1300th anniversary of the erection of the Bilge Tonyukuk Inscription.

The ceremony was co-organised by he Turkic Academy and Altındağ Municipality and attended by the Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey Mustafa Şentop, Deputies of the Grand National Assembly, Deputy Minister of MFA of Turkey Yavuz Selim Kıran, the Mayor of Altındağ Asım Balcı, Secretary General of TURKSOY Dusen Kaseinov, and President of the Turkic Academy Prof.Dr. Darhan Kıdırali, Deputy Secretary General of the Turkic Council Sultanbek Raev, representatives of the corps diplomatique in Ankara including Ambassadors of the Member States of the Turkic Council and academicians.

Speaker of the Parliament Mustafa Şentop emphasized in his opening speech that it is a national duty to convey the national cultural heritage to children and young people. Şentop stated that the construction of the inscriptions in Anatolia in accordance to its original will be crowning what has been done, and stated that the Turkic Nations, which continues to be worthy of their ancestors, has protected its independence for thousands of years. 

At the same day Deputy Secretary General S.Raev also attended to the presentation of the books dedicated to the famous Kazakh writers Al Farabi and Abay, written by Mukhtar Auezov and Jambil Jabayev in the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Ankara. The event was attended by the Secretary General of TURKSOY D.Kaseinov, Deputies of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, President of the Turkic Academy D. Kıdırali, and representatives of the corps diplomatique in Ankara, writers and representatives of the media.