Turkic Council Election Observer Mission completed its monitoring activities regarding the Referendum on the Amendments to the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Turkic Council Election Observer Mission completed its monitoring activities regarding the Referendum on the Amendments to the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Turkic Council election observer delegation completed its observation mission of the Referendum on the Amendments to the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic, which was held on 11 December 2016.

The Mission gave a press conference where it issued the following statement and answered the questions of the journalists. 

At the same day, the head of the mission Deputy Secretary General of the Turkic Council Dr. Ömer Kocaman participated at the television program of the Ala-Too 24 Television Channel regarding the results of the Referendum.

Election Observation Mission  Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States
Referendum on the Amendments to the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic
11 December 2016


Following  the  invitation  from  the  Government  of  the  Kyrgyz  Republic,  the Observation  Mission  of  the  Cooperation  Council   of  Turkic   Speaking  States (hereinafter   referred   to   as   the   Mission)   observed   the   Referendum   on   the Amendments to the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic (hereinafter referred to as the Referendum) held on 11 December 2016.

The  Mission  carried  out  its  activities  in  accordance  with  the  legislation  of  the Kyrgyz  Republic, as  well  as  generally  recognized  rules  of  international  election observation missions.

The   Mission   consisted   of   experts   with   comprehensive   international election observation  experience  from  Azerbaijan,  Kazakhstan  and  Turkey,  as  well  as  the representatives  of  the   Secretariat  of   the  Cooperation  Council   of  the  Turkic Speaking States launched its activities on 9 December 2016 in Bishkek.

In  the  framework  of  the  observation  of  the  pre-referendum  process,  the  Mission visited  a  number  of   polling  stations  where   met  with  the  representatives  of territorial election commissions who provided the members of the Mission with in-depth   information   about   preparations   of   the   referendum.   During   the   pre-referendum process no irregularities were reported to the Mission.

Throughout the Referendum day, the Mission has conducted the observation of the voting  procedures  in  30  polling  stations  in  Bishkek.  Voting  procedures  were implemented  according  to  the  legislation  of  the  Kyrgyz  Republic.  The precinct election commissions provided full access for international and local observers for active observation in all locations covered by the Mission.

Appropriate conditions  were  also  provided  for  political  parties,  non-governmental organizations and other groups to conduct broader transparent  observation. Voting was  conducted  smoothly.  Good  level  of  participation  was  observed  from  early hours   until   late   afternoon   during   the   Referendum   Day.   No   case   of   illegal intervention  by  administrative  or  law  enforcement  authorities  to  the  work  of election  commissions  was  observed.  No  obstacles  to  the  right  of  free  voting were monitored either. 

Furthermore,  at  the  end  of  the  voting  day  the  Mission  observed  the  counting process  in  one  of  the  polling stations.  Counting of  votes  was  implemented  by  the election  commissions  in  accordance  with  rules  set  out  by  the  legislation  of  the Kyrgyz Republic and tabulation of results was conducted in a timely manner. 

The active participation of the citizens in the voting, the good performances of the precinct election commissions, and free access for observers to all procedures can be singled out as the major findings of the Mission.

It  can  also  be  noted  that  public  order  was  secured  at  the  polling  stations. Propaganda  materials, coercion  by any political  group,  leakage of voting bulletins and  restrictions  for  disabled  people  (except one  or  two  places)  were  not  observed in the course of the voting.

Some  voters  and  observers  complained  that  the  ballot  papers  were  only  in  the Kyrgyz language and that is why not everybody could understand the content. The Mission  also  noticed  some  problems  concerning  the  finger  print  identification mainly  among  the  elderly  people  to  find  their  names  in  the  registry.  As  to  the technological  concerns,  it can  also  be  added  that some  computers  and finger  print recognition  technology  did  not  work  properly  due  to  weather  constraints  in  some polling stations.

In   conclusion,   Observation   Mission   of   the   Cooperation   Council   of   Turkic Speaking   States   affirms   that   the   Referendum   on   the   Amendments   to   the Constitution  of  the  Kyrgyz  Republic  was  conducted  in  an  open,  transparent  and professional  way  in  compliance  with  the  national  legislation  of  the  Kyrgyz Republic and generally/internationally accepted standards of democratic elections.

Ömer Kocaman - Head of the Mission

Ahmet Asim Arar - Member of the Mission

Talgat Shaldanbay - Member of the Mission

Elshan Asgarov - Member of the Mission

Zamin Aliyev - Member of the Mission

Dastan Almen - Member of the Mission