Turkic Council Project Director Ali Çiviler attended the Commemoration Activities of the Khojaly Massacre on 26 February 2016.

Turkic Council Project Director Ali Çiviler attended the Commemoration Activities of the Khojaly Massacre on 26 February 2016.

Turkic Council Project Director Ali Çiviler participated on 26 February 2016 in the commemoration activities organized by the Kahramanmaraş Metropolitan Municipality and Kahramanmaraş-Azerbaijan Education, Culture and Solidarity Association on the occasion of the Anniversary of the Khojaly Massacre. 

In the framework of the event, Project Director Çiviler and the Member of Milli Mejlis (Parliament) of Azerbaijan Aydin Mirzazade met with the Governor of Kahramanmaraş Mustafa Hakan Güvençer, the Mayor of Kahramanmaraş Metropolitan Municipality Fatih Mehmet Erkoç, the Rector of Sütçü İmam University Prof. Dr. Durmuş Deveci, the Mayor of Dulkadiroğlu Municipality Necati Okay and the Mayor of 12 Şubat Municipality Hanefi Mahçiçek.

At the panel entitled the "12 February Khojaly Massacre", Project Director Çiviler, on behalf of the Turkic Council, wished Allah`s mercy for the martyrs of the Khojaly Massacre and expressed condolences to the relatives of the deceased and all the Azerbaijani people.

Project Director Çiviler also provided information about the activities of the Turkic Council especially in field of Diaspora.