Turkic Council Workshop on Trans Caspian Intermodal Route is concluded on 8 March 2016.

Turkic Council Workshop on Trans Caspian Intermodal Route is concluded on 8 March 2016.
Within the framework of the Workshop on Trans Caspian Intermodal Route, hosted by the Turkic Council and the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications of the Republic of Turkey on 8 March 2016 in Istanbul; presentations were made by the representatives from transport administrations of the Member States, private sector representatives operating on local, regional, and international scale as well as academicians regarding the strategic importance of the route, things to be done in ensuring the sustainability and effectiveness of the route, current status of the work of the relevant authorities in this framework, problems faced and proposals for solutions.

The assessments carried out between the sessions and the opinions raised during the question&answer session provided an interactive environment for analyzing and addressing all aspects of the issues regarding the route.

In this context, a Joint Declaration will be presented to the 3rd Meeting of Turkic Council Ministers of Transport which will be held tomorrow (9 March 2016), containing the following issues; the said route will constitute an effective, sustained and stable corridor; the Workshop fulfilled the function of valuable platform for useful actors in the field to share their concrete and feasible solutions regarding the issue.